o)V:'Unable to connect to the agent at '%2'. Please ensure that the agent is installed and running and there are no connection problems with the host '%2'.P)V)Vg3Oճ_Unable to change Web Deploy publishing settings: You do not have the permission to override the server-wide security policy. Contact your provider for details.)V The subdomain name is invalid. You can use only alphanumeric characters, a hyphen (-), and an asterisk (*) for wildcard subdomain names.=)V\)V)VisThe DNS records of this subdomain are stored in the parent DNS zone. You can modify the parent zone %1 or create a separate zone for the subdomain.)V@)V=RNhEAre you sure you want to remove protection from the virtual directory? This will also remove all protected directory users and directory protection settings.)VڲThe specified name for a domain alias is prohibited by the server-wide policy. If this domain alias name belongs to you, please contact your hosting provider.)VXs`#Please enter a domain name without the 'www' prefix. The www prefix for the domain will be automatically added to the web server configuration._)V)VZ6“The feature %1 is not supported by the following service nodes: %2. This feature will be disabled for all objects created on these nodes.)V@)V@)VEX٧wUؕThe current Plesk version does not support usernames with the period (.) character. Customers and resellers with such usernames will not be restored.)V)V-dDatabases of the '%1' type do not support user names coinciding with database names. The user '%2' will be renamed '%3' for the database '%4'.)V)Vl~pThe limit on disk space usage is not set in the destination server configuration. The value of this setting will be changed to "Unlimited".V)V)V>xThe limit on the number of connections is not set in the destination server configuration. The value of this setting will be changed to "Unlimited".)V@)VY{gThe limit on traffic usage is not set in the destination server configuration. The value of this setting will be changed to "Unlimited".)V@)V)VYϬTSUse a mask value of 24 or higher. Your mail server does not support setting masks. We can only emulate setting mask for values not less than 24.)V)VOThe PHP handler "%1" is not registered. It was probably deleted from the server. Register a handler with the same properties and try again.VP)V)Vd;zʞ=Domain "%1": the PHP handler "%2" is not registered. It was probably deleted from the server. Register a handler with the same properties and try again.)V@)V[MCould not sync the subscription with the service plan. The following settings of the subscription conflict with the service plan: %%problems%%.P)V)VH| The account '%1' is a reseller account. Reseller accounts cannot be moved to a new owner because they are owned by the server administrator.@)V)VᶞUnable to set the maximum number of connections (IMAP, POP3, IMAP over SSL/TLS, or POP3 over SSL/TLS) per IP address for a specific mail user: %1)V)V*F-=鍞Certain subscription resources you can no longer manage in the Plesk interface (such as limits on mailboxes and domains' disk space) are now set to unlimited.@)V rThe database '%1' on %2 is used by the moved application. To reassign the database to '%3', run `plesk bin database --assign-to-subscription`)V)V)V)V`)V require( AVIA_PHP . 'base-classes/class-object-properties.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that supports svg images */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-svg-images.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that supports responsive images */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-responsive-images.php' ); /** * This file holds a function set for commonly used operations done by the frameworks frontend */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'function-set-avia-frontend.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that improves the menu with megamenu capabilities */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-megamenu.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that creates various styles for the frontend that are set within the backend */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-style-generator.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that creates forms based on option arrays */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-form-generator.php' ); /** * The google maps api source and key check (backend) */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-gmaps.php' ); /** * The google reCAPTCHA api source */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-grecaptcha.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that manages framework specific widgets * * @since 4.9 - prior logic with all widgets in one file was removed */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'widgets/class-widget-loader.php' ); /** * Support for breadcrumbs */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-breadcrumb-trail.php' ); /** * This file loads the classs necessary for dynamic sidebars */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-sidebar-generator.php' ); /** * These files load the classes necessary to manage type fonts (and icon fonts in future releases) */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'font-management/class-avia-font-management-base.php' ); require( AVIA_PHP . 'font-management/class-avia-type-fonts.php' ); //require( AVIA_PHP . 'font-management/class-avia-icon-fonts.php' ); if( ! function_exists( 'avia_fw_load_backend_files' ) ) { /** * Load php scripts only needed in backend for the framework * As REST API also might need backend functions e.g. in Widget Block Editor we * use this function because REST API is initialised later * * @since 4.8.9 */ function avia_fw_load_backend_files() { // check if this function is already done if( class_exists( 'avia_adminpages', false ) ) { return; } /** * This file holds a function set for ajax operations done by the framework */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'function-set-avia-ajax.php' ); /** * The adminpage class creates the option page menu items */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-adminpages.php' ); /** * The metabox class creates meta boxes for single posts, pages and other custom post types */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-metabox.php' ); /** * The htmlhelper class is needed to render the options defined in the config files */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-htmlhelper.php' ); /** * This file improves the media uploader so it can be used within the framework */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-media.php' ); /** * This file loads the option set class to create new backend options on the fly */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-database-option-sets.php' ); if( ! current_theme_supports( 'avia-no-duplicate-post' ) ) { /** * This file handles duplicate post feature also for custom post types */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-duplicate-post.php' ); } /** * This file loads the option set class to create new backend options on the fly */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'wordpress-importer/avia-export-class.php' ); /** * This file loads the class responsible for one click theme updates */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'auto-updates/auto-updates.php' ); } } if( is_admin() ) { avia_fw_load_backend_files(); } else { /** * Force loading of backend scripts * * @since 4.8.9 */ add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'avia_fw_load_backend_files', 500 ); } if( ! defined( 'THEMENAMECLEAN' ) ) { define( 'THEMENAMECLEAN', avia_clean_string( $avia_base_data['Title'] ) ); }